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“Yet who knows that you have come to the Kingdom, for such a time as this!” Esther 4:14

You have prepared yourself, you know where you are heading, and God has anointed you with His Holy Spirit – now it’s time to GO FOR IT! This can be one of the hardest times, as you overcome the inner struggles, and often a total feeling of inadequacy, and take that first faltering step. It really is quite similar to a child walking for the first time. But don’t worry, just as Mum or Dad is there, when the child wants to flop to the floor, so our Heavenly Father is there for us. He knows we can do it, because it is really Him at work in us, and He will give us all the encouragement we need afterwards. The work of the Gospel of Jesus Christ is not theory but practical – going and doing the things He speaks about, the things He calls us to. When we step out it is also exciting and fulfilling, because we know we are walking in His will. This really is what functioning in Ministry is.

Looking at Esther

  1. We saw how Esther put her past behind her and moved into her ministry. She went through a lengthy time of preparation, where she was not only being prepared to be Queen with all the external pampering, but inside she was maturing and God was working in her life until she was ready to function as a leader of her people the Jews. All the while God was opening ‘impossible’ doors to get her to a position of influence, which she willingly went through.
  2. Esther 4:15 Esther moved into a position of leadership. At this time she also really begins to function in the ministry of intercession as she makes the decision to fast and pray and tells Mordecai to gather the Jews together in Susa, to fast for her.
  3. Esther totally surrenders herself before God, she is willing to die if necessary to see her people released.
  4. Esther recognised God’s timing. On the third day she robes and enters the throne room of King Xerxes, her heart must have been skipping a beat; she had only one chance of living. - If the King held out his golden sceptre to her, it would signify that she could enter his presence, if not she would die. Esther 5:1-5.
  5. As she looked to God, He gave her wisdom and showed her how to free her people from Haman’s evil plans.
  6. She shows tremendous self-control, as she awaits God’s timing for Haman’s destruction.
  7. Esther trusted God as she functioned in her ministry, she was not paralysed by fear, but moved in faith.
  8. Time and again we see God intervening to bring deliverance - 2:21&23Mordecai overhears a death plot on the Kings life. 6:1 Xerxes can’t sleep so decides to read the History books. 6:2 He reads the exact piece that tells of how Mordecai saved him. 7:9&10 Haman’s plans are exactly reversed, and the victims become the victors!
  9. So the Jews are saved, Mordecai becomes second in rank to King Xerxes, Esther is not only Queen of Persia and greatly honoured by her husband, but she is also held in high regard by her own people, because of her intervention on their behalf. The Jewish feast of Purim was established, to commemorate this great deliverance.


  1. Your relationship with God will ALWAYS continue to be the most important thing in your life, and must continue to take first place. In prayer, praise, and the Bible we need to spend quality time with Him, and we need to keep a close walk. When sin gets in, then we have to deal with it.
  2. Whatever ministry the Lord wants to give you, be willing to move into that ministry, and be obedient to God. Go and do it – it is the only way we can function. .Don’t worry when you make silly mistakes, they are often when we can learn valuable lessons!
  3. He sees the whole picture, it is He who is building up the body of Christ. Romans 12:3-8 He knows what He is building and He will bring your ministry to fruition if you are obedient.
  4. Proverbs 18:16 A man's gift makes room for him. A true call of God will carry with it all the opportunities it needs to function. You don’t need to promote your own ministry.
  5. Esther changed the nation from within the throne room, like Esther, as your relationship with God grows, so you will be enabled to bring freedom and release into situations through your ministry.
  6. As you continue to move out in ministry God will continue to equip you with all you need to function. His grace is always sufficient for every situation. The gifts of the Holy Spirit are available to us, and He will provide, look to Him.
  7. Our life should be demonstrating the fruit of the Spirit. Gal 5:22-23 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. We should be showing Jesus to those around us.
  8. Don’t covet other peoples ministries, it is good to look at them, and learn from them, but don’t want something God is not giving you, and don’t try to copy their ministry. Your ministry is unique, respect it and allow God to develop it.
  9. Our ministries can just be a preparation for another ministry.
  10. Trust Him to make a way where there is no way, don’t be limited by your own inadequacies, look to God’s greatness and stand firm in your calling. 1 Cor 15:58 Therefore, my dear brothers, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labour in the Lord is not in vain.





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