Drugs Information, what you really should know about, Street names for drugs

A Guide for worried parents, teenagers who are using drugs or thinking about using drugs and anyone who wants to know more about the subject.

This website has been accredited by the Matthew Project in Norwich, Greater Manchester Police force and the Office of National Drug Control Policy (The White House)

Street Terms

Street Terms: Drugs and the Drug Trade

Alphabetical Listing -- F's

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M
N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U, V | W | X, Y, Z

Street Term Definition
Factory place where drugs are packaged, diluted, or manufactured
Fall arrested
Fallbrook redhair marijuana, term from Fallbrook, CA
Famous dimes crack
Fantasia dimethyltryptamine
Fastin amphetamine
Fat bags crack
Fatty marijuana cigarette
Feed bag container for marijuana
Feeling marijuana
Felix the Cat LSD
Ferry dust heroin
Fi-do-nie opium
Fields LSD
Fiend someone who smokes marijuana alone
Fifteen cents $15 worth of drugs
Fifty-one crack
Finajet/finaject veterinary steroid
Fine stuff marijuana
Finger marijuana cigarette
Finger lid marijuana
Fir marijuana
Fire to inject a drug; crack and methamphetamine
Fire it up to smoke marijuana
First line morphine
Fish scales crack
Five cent bag $5 worth of drugs
Five C note $500 bill
Five dollar bag $50 worth of drugs
Fives amphetamine
Fix to inject a drug
Fizzies methadone
Flag appearance of blood in the vein
Flake cocaine
Flakes PCP
Flame cooking smoking cocaine base by putting the pipe over a stove flame
Flamethrowers cigarette laced with cocaine and heroin
Flash LSD
Flat blues LSD
Flat chunks crack cut with benzocaine
Flea powder low purity heroin
Florida snow cocaine
Flower marijuana
Flower tops marijuana
Fly Mexican airlines to smoke marijuana
Flying under the influence of drugs
Following that cloud searching for drugs
Foo foo stuff heroin; cocaine
Foo-foo dust cocaine
Foolish powder heroin; cocaine
Footballs amphetamine
45 Minute Psychosis Dimethyltryptamine
Forget pill rohypnol
Forget me drug rohypnol
Forwards amphetamine
Fraho/frajo marijuana
Freebase smoking cocaine; crack
Freeze cocaine; renege on a drug deal
French blue amphetamine
French fries crack
Fresh PCP
Friend fentanyl
Fries crack
Frios (Spanish) marijuana laced with PCP
Frisco special cocaine, heroin and LSD
Frisco speedball cocaine, heroin and LSD
Friskie powder cocaine
Fry crack
Fry daddy crack and marijuana; cigarette laced with crack
Fu marijuana
Fuel marijuana mixed with insecticides; PCP
Fuete hypodermic needle
Fuma D'Angola (Portugese) marijuana

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M
N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U, V | W | X, Y, Z

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